At Arena Fit
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our coaching philosophy
Workouts are designed for the fittest in the room.
While we structure our curriculum from the top down, we strongly believe in catering workouts to members of all fitness backgrounds. That means our coaches do more than just call out orders; they help members understand how to work out, by modeling proper form and technique, providing modifications that prevent injury, and cultivating safe spaces for growth to occur.
Physical fitness is as important as overall wellness.
We challenge our members not only to improve their bodies, but to celebrate their wellness as a constantly-evolving journey. And in addition to offering classes that promote both physical and mental well-being, we provide our members with nutritional guidance and opportunities to join special challenges outside the daily class schedule.
Community is everything.
Personal attention to each and every member of our fitness family is something we take extremely seriously. Our entire operation centers around an unwavering commitment to cultivating a welcoming, uplifting, and inclusive environment. Between end-of-class huddles, check-ins between workouts, and celebrating our high-performers on the Warrior Wall, you could say we put a strong emphasis on our people.
(Total Body, Lower Body, Upper Body Variations)
A class filled with various strength and conditioning exercises using free weights, resistance bands, weight bars, and other equipment. The combination of weight training with cardio will help build muscle, shred fat, and improve cardiovascular health.
Test the limits of your endurance during these fast-paced, high-intensity workouts. During cardio, you can expect to improve your mental and physical strength with bodyweight movements, agility, flexibility, and conditioning exercises. Typically focused on bodyweight movements, free weights and other equipment may be integrated with the workout. Lace-up those tennie-runners and get moving!
Fit Strength
(Total Body, Lower Body, Upper Body Variations)
Designed to help she excess fat while building strength and endurance, the class focuses on different areas of the body to promote muscle growth and/or toning. Resistance bands, body weight, weight bars, free weights, medicine balls, TR-X straps will be used in this class to keep that body guessing. These classes will finish off with a core finisher to blast those abs! Limited to no cardio will be in this class.
Fit Kick
In these dynamic, non-contact, explosive kickboxing classes, you’ll burn calories and build lean muscle while increasing stamina, improving coordination, and boosting flexibility. This class will occasionally use hand weights and resistance bands for upper or lower body focused classes. No gloves are required, but are recommended. Bring that picture of your worst enemy and let’s get kicking!
Challenge yourself to an intense indoor cycling class on our custom Stages Spin Bikes. Cycling is a high energy workout that pushes you through sprints, hills, jump-ups and tap-backs, while alternating body positions and resistance. Variations of this class will target different muscle groups while on the bike. You can’t fall off these bikes, so no helmets are required. Get pedaling!
(Total Body, Lower Body, Upper Body Variations)
A focus on pure muscle growth by targeting the lower body and pushing those muscle groups beyond their comfort zones. Working the muscles to failure through heavier weights and lower reps, these workouts will build more metabolically lean muscle and shred that body fat. Similar equipment to the strength classes will be used, but longer work times and longer rest periods for recovery can be expected. It's time to pump that iron!
(Yoga Restore, Cardi-Yoga, and Yoga Shred variations)
In our Yoga classes, basic foundational postures are practiced to align, strengthen and promote flexibility in the body. We also integrate breathing techniques and mediation for broadened wellness impact. You can expect an emphasis on simplicity, repetition, and ease-of-movement. In Yoga, we strive for progress, not perfection. Namaste.
Fit X
Unleash your inner warrior in our FIT X (X-treme) class! Workouts will advance various components of your functional strength. The goal of Fit X isn’t to specialize in any particular muscle group but to condition your body to be capable of anything. All types of weights and equipment will be utilized to push your body farther than you thought possible. Modifications to all movements are available.
Fit Chaos
Fit Chaos is a power-packed strength training, agility and cardiovascular workout, featuring a mix of resistance and cycling. Designed to get your heart racing and your muscles jacked, you'll fly through straightaways on our Stages bikes and efficiently build muscle with dumbbells, resistance bands, kettlebells and hand weights. Get ready – when we say CHAOS, we mean it!